The "Wildside" prefix began in 1962, with the first litter of Boxers my parents bred and showed. They had a litter of 4. Of which 3 became Champions, the 4th only needing 2 points to finish his Championship. But that's another story! I was also born in 1962, one month before that first litter of Boxers. And in 1978 my father bought a Wire Fox Terrier. This was the true begining of Terriers for me. At one of the matches we showed our Wire, a man came up to me and asked me if I would show one of his puppies. When I saw the two 6 month old Kerries, I fell in love. I went on to special their dam. And I showed one of those Kerry girls, up to 11 points. I never got to finish her, as her owner had moved across country. I was heart broken as I became so fond of "Holly" In 1983, at the Great Western Terrier Club show, I was walking by Ray and Lou Perry's (Tontine), setup. I saw two 8 week old male puppies. Well needless to say, I bought one. He became CH. Cabochon's Indigo Blue. (Call name "Blue") I bought my second Kerry a few years later. (After moving from California to Massachusetts.) That was in 1986. This one was all Terrier! Tough as nails, but great to live with. And good with her own pack of dogs. She became "CH. Kilkenny Spice of Wildside. (Call name "Tarry"). I've mostly groomed and handled other peoples Kerries, and continued showing some of my mothers' Boxers. So I didn't really get into a real breeding program, until the purchase of (in May of 1993), of a beautiful bitch, that I finished in just 12 shows. She is CH. Ravenstone Rhythm. (Call name "Maggie"). She was just 15 months old when she finished. I bred her to the dog I was specialing in 1995 and 1996. CH. Hilary's Finbar The Shadow. (Call name "Finbar") He was in the top 10 Kerries in '95 and was in the top 3 Kerries in '96. He was a multiple group winner and multiple group placer, with an award of merit at Montgomery in '96. Out of that breeding, born on Oct. 10th 1995, of which only one survived, was a male puppy. "Ranger" finished his Championship when he was just 13 months old. He is also known as CH. Wildside's Lone Ranger. He was also a multiple group placing dog, in just 10 times shown as a special, and under the age of 2 years old! The Schaefer's (Wedgewood) and I co-bred a litter of pups. Born on 10/22/97. That litter consisted of only 2 bitches. One of them the Schaefer's kept, she is CH.Wedgewood's Blue Satin Lace (Lacey). And I took the other one, and after her litter of puppies, we got serious! She was finished with 4 majors! And she got her Canadian Championship UNDEFEATED in the breed,with a group 2. And only specialed 3 times in Canada got 3 back to back group 1's. She is known as: Am.Can. CH. Wedgewood Wildside's Dynasty. (Annie) On Feb.14th, 2000, I bred "Ranger" to "Annie". And on April 14th, 2000 she had a litter of 5 dogs and 1 bitch. I kept 2 males from that litter. "Wildside's Long Tale" who is pointed from the 6-9 month puppy dog class, also winning the breed that day for his first 2 points. He finished in very limited showing and was Best Of Winners at Hatboro 2 and Devon. He also won his first group 1 at just 17 months old. His litter brother "Wildside's Messenger", Will be shown in the summer of 2003. There litter sister, Wildside's You Gotta Be, is owned by Sarah Colman, and she recieved her first point from the 6-9 month puppy bitch class at her first show! She finished her championship at 19 months of age.
The Wildside tradition continues with a small breeding program. All dogs I breed and show are OFA certified. All the dogs I special, whether owned by myself or clients, are also OFA certified. Health, temperment,beauty, soundness of mind and body are my priorities.
On this website you will see my dogs, along with clients dogs. Which will be updated from time to time, with pictures and pedigrees. (I have not included all of the dogs I have shown, only because I dont have all their pictures!)
